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I like pc the best cause Xbox and ps3 run games at 30 fps MAX but PC's run most games at 45-60 fps
please vote on the poll
Those points are invalid, and I am sure console games run faster than 30fps, but I agree with the PC part.
30 FPS max for console games? That can't be right. Depending on the PC, the FPS will most likely be lower than those consoles. I voted for PC though because there's a larger variety of games than Xbox/Ps3 and it's considerably cheaper in the long-run than both those consoles.
Oh sorry I mean all or *Bethesda games like sky rim run at 30 fps and PC's run at like 45-60 . I'm on my phone so it sometimes just doesn't type right
True that.
Also, if you buy a xbox 360 game, then you know the xbox 360 will run it, and you haven't wasted your money or you need to improve it.
Well on the back of most PC games it says what you need in your system
I was talking graphic card wise. It may say a certain type and higher, but what if you use a alternative?
Well there's diffrent settings like low and medium the specs they say on the box "recommends" what you should have for high or ultra graphics plus if you have a 30$ card like my friend had it plays most game graphics at 40 FPS and medium graphics.
Like the nvidia geforce 210 for a example its a budget card but still plays games at a medium quality and good frame rates
All id tech 3 based games gets 60 FPS on 360