Bann botting help us fair players - Printable Version

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Bann botting help us fair players - Baron - 04-22-2013 09:08 AM

Me and alot of our community like to earn and play a fair game.
so can we have a no botting policey please

Thank you if you agree add your name and short message

RE: Bann botting help us fair players - Bryce-Banned Ingame- - 04-22-2013 09:09 AM

Bryce xD

If there wasnt such slow xp rates then people wouldnt bot... the reason i wanted it higher is just for this reason, were a private server, thousands of people play rs and all they do is bot because the xp is soo slow, and they have benefits to help gain xp faster were just raw training on a SERVER!

RE: Bann botting help us fair players - use rubbers - 04-22-2013 11:25 AM

^ stop that, everyone knows death isn't legit and he will be treated like that we should just have him removed from hiscores.

RE: Bann botting help us fair players - Ayden - 04-22-2013 11:44 AM

Well I think what needs to be discussed first is the question, what is botting?

From what I know about today's little mishap, which as far as I know sparked this post, was simply an anonymous player AFK training and using the external arrow keys to keep the screen spinning and keep him logged in. I personally don't see this as something that is bannable but you have to consider the fact that the game would have logged said player out without the player using methods to keep 'training.'

Seeing as the server is new and growing at a steady pace AND the xp rates are so low, we can entertain the fact that people will be attracted to macros and possible 3rd party programs that may alter the gameplay for everyone. However the fact that xp rates are low, should not be the main reason for allowing such activity because of the fact that this is meant to be as close to real runescape as possible. So the grounds for that argument seem to be rather weak.

Personally what worries me most about macroing/botting or using some sort of AFK method is that it makes my personal runescape game seem lonely. The other day one of the people said in the yell chat that the update that really ruined the grand exchange was the fact that it took out the interactions between players. No longer haggling prices and communicating with other people to obtain goods, the game became lonely and I believe that the same thing can be seen when people are AFK training.

I'm Ayden and I like jerking off my computer mouse for runescape levels.

RE: Bann botting help us fair players - Driman-Banned Ingame- - 04-22-2013 01:56 PM

Bots help the community with economy. We all know that, just mind your own business, and forget the bots.

The game is about play not looking for bots...

RE: Bann botting help us fair players - P K - 04-22-2013 08:29 PM

Well you can ban me if you find really that i am using somekind of bot, its not really my problem if you guys are so fucking envy to me that you need to ban best players in game so you get higher ! thank anyway guys for your thoughts. Made by Death

RE: Bann botting help us fair players - greenman2288 - 04-22-2013 09:23 PM

(04-22-2013 08:29 PM)P K Wrote:  Well you can ban me if you find really that i am using somekind of bot, its not really my problem if you guys are so fucking envy to me that you need to ban best players in game so you get higher ! thank anyway guys for your thoughts. Made by Death

Death not sure what exactly your banned for.. Care to elaborate?

RE: Bann botting help us fair players - Plural - 04-22-2013 09:56 PM

The only "macro" that is currently allowed is autotyper set to 4 seconds. It can not be used in yell. This rule may be changed in the future. Secondly Afking is not directly macroing. Afk training is dangerous for the player itself too. Whener real bots show up, there is an opcode in rs and java that can perfectly scan if a player is "botting". I will of course not go in further technical detail to how this system works.

RE: Bann botting help us fair players - Plural - 04-22-2013 10:03 PM

(04-22-2013 01:56 PM)Driman Wrote:  Bots help the community with economy. We all know that, just mind your own business, and forget the bots.

The game is about play not looking for bots...

Actually in my opinion botting really has a bad effect on your economy. They drain resource prices, it puts all money in the game in the hands of a selected amount of individuals who a lot of times try to sell this gold for high prices. They control your economy.Note that in rs the majority of bots are gold farmers. Note botting for me means automation software to make your character do things in game for you. This includes injection, auto clickers. I already created some tracking mechanisms for bottling.

RE: Bann botting help us fair players - Henning B - 04-22-2013 10:05 PM

I will do everything i can in my power to make sure there is no bots in maartens games