Bann botting help us fair players - Printable Version

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RE: Bann botting help us fair players - Ingu - 04-22-2013 10:12 PM

(04-22-2013 01:56 PM)Driman Wrote:  Bots help the community with economy. We all know that, just mind your own business, and forget the bots.

The game is about play not looking for bots...

Can't really agree with you right now, cause I bet any of us wouldn't want them in our game. And as Henning said, he will take care of it. Smile

RE: Bann botting help us fair players - Driman-Banned Ingame- - 04-23-2013 03:10 AM

I see your point, Ingu. Maybe i am wrong, Tongue

RE: Bann botting help us fair players - Ayden - 04-23-2013 04:44 AM

(04-22-2013 01:56 PM)Driman Wrote:  Bots help the community with economy. We all know that, just mind your own business, and forget the bots.

The game is about play not looking for bots...

bots don't help economies start up... the reason that runescape shouldn't ban all the bots is because the economy has adjusted slowly to the bots being brought into the game... with a brand new economy like the one in rune2006 bots would mess it up immediately...

bots helping with the economy is either false information or a blatant lie.

RE: Bann botting help us fair players - Driman-Banned Ingame- - 04-23-2013 04:44 AM

No, just no.

RE: Bann botting help us fair players - use rubbers - 04-23-2013 05:01 AM

(04-22-2013 01:56 PM)Driman Wrote:  Bots help the community with economy. We all know that, just mind your own business, and forget the bots.

The game is about play not looking for bots...

your a special kind of dumb... botting destroys the economy....

RE: Bann botting help us fair players - Bangyoass - 04-23-2013 05:06 AM

Bots are EVIL! They must be banned, no questions asked. If we don't act now...oh lordy, we'd best call Arnold 'cause we'll be needing the Terminator soon, rofl! They'll take over our economy and make us serve them! See....they've even corrupted Driman. They're no one Sad

RE: Bann botting help us fair players - Driman-Banned Ingame- - 04-23-2013 05:13 AM

I have been coruppted. Sad So it is probably the Rs feedbacks Tongue