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We are number 1 in everything enough said.

Our rank 1s are
Botting4days - Rune-crafting
Me - att
Me - str
Me - def
Me - hp
P U R E - Magic
DJ Tim - Thieving
Level 3 - Mining
Level 3 - Crafting

Joining the clan.

Once the server is bigger and the clan itself is bigger to join you will need to be invited by several people (hence the reason why i want clan chat) You will need to know them for about 2 weeks before you ask them to refer you and this is how we will keep out noobs. If you are a skiller you must have 2 stats above 85 or 1 above 90, if you are a main you need 60+ combat for now.(will be 100+ soon or 96 if maxed pure)

1. Display Name:
2. Link to your introduction
3. What other clans were you in before?(if any)
4. Which members have referred you to join? How long have you known each of them? Have you asked their permission to use them as a reference?
5. Post a picture of you in game with the stats to prove you meet the requirements (coming soon obv)
6. Why do you want to join us? Give a proper reason.
7. Picture of your stats.
8. Do you have teamspeak 3? If not please download.

Currently Open for new members
Must meet requirements within 10 days of me setting then pm me if any issues (going away exams ect)
Current requirements 80+ combat or 2 stats above 85 if a skiller

- Aaron
- Awy
PvP/Pvm Leader
Trial PvP/PvM Leader
- Cojac (quit)
- Acerd (quit)
- Renokiller (quit)
- DJ Tim (quit)
- Level 3 (on an off)
- Henning B (banned)
- Botting4days (mod/coder)
- Bonesaw bamf (quit)
- Pauly B (quit)
- Ruler Dough (quit)
- Free style (on and off)
- P U R E
Level 3
Trial Members

Allied clans:
Total count:

Elite Pkers:
To be an elite pker you must have 94+ magic rang or strength. It will be a small team of the best.
~No flaming enemies during war unless I say so!
~Respect fellow clan members, if you have a problem with someone sort it out in PM!
~Have organised return sets
~When maging in multi-area USE BLITZ DON'T BARRAGE
~During wars Listen to the CALLERS so you can stick to piles and not get yourself killed

Becoming a Pk leader.
Selection of process:
Once you have applied and have the time needed to applie your application will be processed by me or a council member+ You will be asked to prove your pk abilities, Tanking abilieties and calling abilities.If successful you will earn the rank of trial PK Leader and will then gain PK leader unless your shit.
PM me for ts3 info

I guess, we lost a member in Ninja Turtles. Sad
i will always be a ninja turtle! but the clan was closed when you quit

i will always be a ninja turtle! but the clan was closed when you quit
Aaron you do realize theirs 3 people that are in another clan
what you mean?
Ill join this Big Grin
u2 are in!
Trust driman....
Name? waddup in game name, remco is my in real life name
Time Zone?+1 GMT the netherlands
Pker PvM or Skiller? Skiller + PvMer
If pker what type? Nope
Are you active? Yes
Highest stat? Attack for now
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